I feel like there’s a lot of “grey” between those two black and white options.
AI is part of everyone’s lives. Even those who chose “No way! I like to do everything myself,” I bet they have the help of AI in their day-to-day without even realizing.
Did you ever use Google Photos search feature to find a photo by searching what’s in it? That’s AI.
Did you ever use YouTube? An AI is powering the algorithm that feeds your recommendations.
AI is also used to ensure the packages you order from Amazon arrive as quickly as possible, the courier that handles the package also uses it to optimize the routes.
AI is part of our lives and has been for years already.
Regardless of that, there is no consensus on whether AI can achieve the level of intelligence you mention and even less consensus exists on a timeline for that to happen. Even if AI can reach that level any scenarios that we can imagine make no sense since we’ll be talking about something so massively more intelligent than we are that we have no way of even imagining what will happen then. That’s the definition of Singularity — the point after which we can’t even estimate what will happen.