05_gambirasio_oscar i need to have many followers?1k on tiktok and 7k on intagram are enough?tomorrow im going to complete the form
PatricioRomanQuiroga Mmh..im very interested to try It,i see the commercial and was great…i came from apple world,maybe is time to change!!!
Artsouls Thank you for the information it was very clear and informative. I’m so excited I submitted my applications and now I just have to wait and see if I get chosen.
P4NDA0NE Heyup j’ai bien posté mon avis sur les Nothing Ears (1) mais je ne reçois toujours pas le badge “HeyUp Tester”, est ce normal ? 😅
AntonioCruzLara SprintingWorm la verdad si, hay mejores opciones por un valor similar o menor, aunque hay que tener en cuenta que este reloj ya lleva mínimo 2 años en el mercado así que también se puede comprender el porque no es una buena opción
Menguelez hisbeby Link for? If you want to take part in the tryouts is here https://heyupnow.com/pages/try-out-program/ If you want to introduce yourself to the community is here https://community.heyupnow.com/d/19-introduce-yourselves/
IlariaC Heyup I think this is a great opportunity for tech lovers and for those who love to be always updated with tech products. Thank You for this opportunity, I trust in people’s honesty.
Cazzycool With 4 dogs constantly leaving the floors dirty and messy those robot cleaners would be very well tested 😂
BernardSanabria I vote that if you are interested in trying out for a product to just DO IT! Be active! Be present! Speak your mind and be respectful at the same time while absorbing and learning what others have experienced!