Thank you so much for your participation in our Tryout Program for the Oladance! We’ve received a total of 13 excellent reviews. Unfortunately, we could only select three among them.
And those 3 Best Reviews were:
- @M1K4_3L Oladance Wearable Stereo: Epic Sound. Open Earbuds
Big congrats! We will be contacting the winners individually via email and will send them their $50 Amazon egift card after they reply to our email for confirmation.
Last but not least, thank you everyone for spending your time and effort to share your reviews with us! We are so happy to see that most of you enjoyed using the Olandance Wearable earbuds and because of that, Oldance scored an overall High score by our Testers. We have also collected your comments for the Oladance company, and they will work on updating the -product based on your recommendations.
To thank you and celebrate this moment where we have created/improved a tech product together (this is a part of Heyup’s vision too), we have decided to offer an extra bonus—a giveaway for the Oladance Charging Case to all Heyup Testers who have shared their review! We will contact all of you via email soon.

Stay tuned and we look forward to hearing from you in the next Tryout Program. 😀

Heyup Tryout Program is launched now! We are looking forward to hearing your feedback and reviews on our first tryout product in the program, the Oladance Wearable Stereo($179 value)! Apply now and take an active role in deciding future trends and fads in tech!
Application End on Mar 3rd, 2022.
Tryout Products: Oladance Wearable Stereo Blue*10, White*5, Orange*5
Learn more about the Heyup Tryout Program

Unique Selling Points:
The Oladance Wearable Stereo earbuds are a radically different and totally new design from traditional earbuds. And it has been a huge success on Kickstarter, which earned the support of 3,632 backers on Kickstarter.

Unlike traditional earbuds, Oladance features a completely Open-Ear design that rests gently and securely on top of your ear. There are no tips, so they’ll never go into your ear. That’s how they deliver superior sound in a natural, comfortable way. 
If you wish to achieve the best level of comfort, hearing protection, and transparent like experience with earphones, then you need to try truly open earphones.
Using your ears’ natural curves and shape, the Oladance Wearable Stereo latches on snug and comfortably while a pair of powerful 16.2 mm drivers channel epic sound naturally into your ears — leaving your ears open and never plugged. Let alone the unrivaled continuous playtime of up to 16 hours on a single charge.
Learn more about the Oladance Wearable Stereo
Some Callouts From Kickstarter Backers

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Test out one of 20 Oladance Earbuds for free, and then keep it! No money down, free shipping, free giveaway.
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Three Heyup Testers who share the best reviews selected by Heyup Team will get a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
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