Apple is now planning to introduce its AR/VR headset in June instead of April, with the debut of the device pushed back two months. It is expected to see an unveiling at the Worldwide Developers Conference.
However, at CES 2023 HTC revealed its new Vive XR Elite headset in January, which wants to be the headset you can reach for to give you that immersive feeling for the bank balance-decimating cost of $1,099/£1,299! Yes, $1,099 is costly, but HTC’s new Vive XR Elite truly feels like a step-up. Don’t worry, if you’re interested in testing the Vive XR Elite, cast your wishes here now! We will unlock the tryouts once it gains enough wishes. The official website mentions that the shipments of pre-orders are estimated to begin in early March 2023.
What our largely fun hour with the HTC Vive Elite XR has told us is that this feels like a big step in the right direction for where VR headsets need to be, in terms of portability and a design that is going to make it more appealing to spend extended periods in those virtual realms.
The Vive XR Elite has decent specs.
Resolution: 1920×1920 pixels per eye (3840×1920 pixels combined)
Headset Tracking: 6 Degrees of Freedom inside-out tracking
Refresh Rate: 90 Hz
Field of View: Up to 110 Degrees
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2
Storage: 128 GB
RAM: 12 GB
What is XR?
Extended Reality (XR) refers to all real-and-virtual environments generated by computer graphics and wearables. The ‘X’ in XR is simply a variable that can stand for any letter. XR is the umbrella category that covers all the various forms of computer-altered reality, including Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR).
Q:What is the Heyup Tryouts?
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Heyup Tryouts aims to provide a chance for Product Experts to test the selected products and share authentic opinions with our audience to help them buy better.
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