• Wish List ❤️
  • USEnglish
  • [Poll Ended]🚀The 4th Week Wishlist Poll: Which AI innovation is your true love

Hey everyone, if there are any cool AI devices you haven’t seen on Heyup and want the community to try, share them with us and let’s review them together!

    HeyupTeam I was going for the Peloton Guide… until I realized it’s just a webcam with a subscription. 😂

    Ivyisme referring back to a previous conversation we had, I would’ve liked to see the Plaud Note on the list. The Halliday smart glasses also look pretty cool!


      Aquí mis opciones, gracias por traer productos nuevos👌



      Here are my questions. I’d like to hear feedback from the community. Currently, we have a wish list for voting and product discovery mechanisms to showcase innovative products on the page.

      The community plays a role in deciding which products to test, and we aim to make this process fully community - empowered. Likes are an indication of people’s preference for products, but due to the fact that they are recorded at different times, they might not comprehensively represent the community’s true preferences, as they are affected by the time intervals when users visit.

      Both of the products you mentioned have been listed on the pages and have received likes. For the next wish list, if we consider these products, should we add vote buttons for the products favored by the community to determine which ones will be selected as tryout products? Or we counts the how much likes increased during the period of time to make sure the AI products are representes community preference. Liking like action I mentioned,! showed preference or interests, while choosing a tryout product is a more serious matter because members have to carefully consider which one out of four or one out of eight should be tested.

      Should we establish a voting section specifically for tryout product selection, given that the final choices for tryout products need to be determined? Do we need a weekly like post products to be showed on the page?

      Hope we have a more transparent and smooth tryout process with the help of community members thoughts and suggestions.

        Menguelez Yes, we already have a drone scheduled for the upcoming tryout. However, recently, drones seem to be quite restricted due to international customs regulations. I’m concerned about whether this product can be shipped or not. But can always share with the cool and latest drone you find interested and share them with our community. 😃

          Ivyisme Oh yeah, I didnt think about it, customs regulations. Lately I saw the DJI Flip. I think is amazing :

          Menguelez you can never go wrong with drones!

          And now there are drones that integrate AI, with smart subject tracking, object avoidance, etc. so it fits the topic!

          que geniales productos y se la IA ya existe desde hace unos cuantos aĂąos pero considero que a partir de este aĂąo veremos mĂĄs productos con esta increĂ­ble tecnologĂ­a.

          Mis opciones son 1, 2, 4 y 5


          That’s an interesting question. The way I see it, it should be a funnel.

          Phase 1: The website’s wish list (https://heyupnow.com/en-eu/collections/all). People can vote for their devices so that you’re able to gauge which devices (and indirectly, which product categories) are more enticing for the users. For this type of voting, I would do it in two ways:

          • Whenever a hot new product is trending, you ride the wave of the conversation (e.g. the Samsung Unpacked just started, so you add their phones to the wishlist)
          • You release them as batches for certain events or trending categories (e.g. MWC is happening, so you had the hottest products from there as they are reported, or everyone’s talking about AI, so you had a bunch of AI-related products in one go).

          For this Wish List, I think the overall number of likes isn’t enough to measure the interest over time. Instead, I think it’s more important to see if a product is “Trending Now” (as in, a lot of people vote for it in the first days after it’s announced for a wish list, or promoted by you), since, as you correctly pointed out, likes will raise over time anyway.

          Another thing you can do is, whenever you’re planning a Weekly Wish List with a specific topic, you highlight that category in advance as a section in the main website and invite people to vote:

          So, even if you want certain devices to be part of a “Week Wish List”, you can have a few of the spots reserved as “Community Top Picks,” those who are most voted.

          Phase 2: Weekly Wish Lists — From the most voted devices in wish lists, you create these Weekly Wish Lists. The top voted entries will then feed Phase 3.

          Phase 3: Tryouts — Once products have made through Phase 1 and 2, and if you’re able to secure a unit to host a tryout, you announce the tryout and have people register for it.

          I don’t want to make this message too long, but I also have a couple more suggestions:

          • For Phase 1, how about creating another incentive for people to be active? You could create a group of Tryout Experts (top active users and/or previous Tryout participants) that would act as an “advisory board” in the selection of top picks. Create a group with them, involve them in the selection process and there are more chances they will remain active in the long run.
          • Following the same train of thought, how about allowing active users to give something similar to “Super Likes” with the points they accumulate for being active? The current likes are endless so you can like all products, it doesn’t mean much. But if there is a type of like that is more limited and tied to your activity, this would be a good measure of what people really want, and would also boost activity (You can even add additional mechanics, such as “If you give a super like to a product and the product goes into Tryout, you have increased chances of being selected”).

          (Sorry for the long essay. @Menguelez would love to hear your thoughts as well)

            dsmonteiro I think is a good idea, maybe @Ivyisme can give her opinion. I only I just think that there are products that appear on the wish list but that later do not appear in tryouts and I think that will depend on the brands and the products that they can send for testing.