Hey there!
We’ve been carefully considering your feedback and we also know that you’re excited about our upcoming tryouts. At Heyup, we’re all about community, and we’re committed to making your experience with us as enjoyable as possible. So, we’ve got some thrilling news just for you!
Enhanced Tryouts Experience:
We’ve decided to enhance the Heyup Tryouts experience. For tryout products, this will include highlighting products that our editors absolutely love, as well as featuring items that you and other users can’t stop talking about. This means that products with more wishes will have a higher chance of being included in the tryouts. Take a look at all of the products available here!
If you want to increase your chances of winning, you can share our page on your social media, join our Heyup community engage with it regularly, and leave some reviews for the products you’ve tried and loved.

To get the ball rolling, we’ve launched a fresh Tryouts page where you can stay in the loop about upcoming products. Don’t forget to wish for the products that catch your eye and you will be among the first to receive any news.

Introducing a New Points System and more features:
And that’s not all! We’re also rolling out a new points system soon. There’s an even more exciting upgrade coming soon! We promise to keep you in the loop on all future updates, so stay tuned!
You can also learn more details here.
Heyup Team