JuniorZarateFlores Considero que seria la de una forma mas cómoda y moderna, incluyendo su tamaño es posible llevarlo cómodamente en una mochila o bolso, y degustar de las funciones holográficas del mini proyector ,también su aspecto es llamativo a simple vista
S0_y AndyReyes It is a mini projector that, due to its characteristics, is intended to be a good emotion device. I understand that this product can be used for anything that can be transmitted.
Menguelez GerardoSaucedo The track number is not available yet, once it available you will receive a tracking number by email
EduardoAdrianMolinaFlores LisaAdams cuál es la sensación, premium o de un material que cumple con los estándares del precio?
LisaAdams EduardoAdrianMolinaFlores the band I hardly notice the band and the watch on my hand. It’s light. It is definitely worth the price standards. It has everything you can think of and that you can’t think of in this this watch. I’m still finding certain options in exercise. So you want to know if it’s light and how it feel and if it’s worth it? It doesn’t scratch it’s waterproof to a certain degree (I jumped into a pool with it on because I forgot I forgot I had it on and got out of the water and it worked just the way it usually did. The material band doesn’t rub me raw. It is certainly worth it.
EduardoAdrianMolinaFlores LisaAdams genial gracias por la información, me servirá para tenerlo presente cuando quiera comprar uno.
nateG I have installed many high end projectors before (Sony, Barco, Sim2, etc.) so it would be interesting to see how something newer but less expensive compares in picture correction, brightness, etc.
Culqui98K_ se ven de buena calidad, pero se vera bien en ambientes claros , ya que algunos proyectos con la minima raya de luz no son visible o directamente se vuelven inservibles