My first computer was an Amstrad CPC-464 (it’s color personal computer and 64k was its Ram 😀) It was he first personal home computer built by Amstrad (a British company) in 1984 and sold more than 2 million units sold in Europe (Wikipedia). It had a very good BASIC language interpreter, better that those on Sinclair Spectrum or Commodore 64 so il chose that one to start programming. It had 2 versions, with color or green monitor included (there was no need to connect/occupy the home tv, like those other two computer competitors), i chose the green one because it was cheaper and seemed more cool for me (always being a nerd 😄).
The keyboard had colored keys and it was really fun to learn programming on it. You can note that the number zero glyph back then had a slash on it so that you could distinguished it from the capital O letter, i really miss that thing, it could be still useful today. While for the other computers it was necessary buying and connect a tape deck, so that one could load/save programs, this one had it incluse so it was an all-in-one home computer.

It wasn’t the best computer to run games, Commodore 64 had better games and graphic capabilities, but it was perfect for me 😀
What was your first pc?