MM37 Borrowed my friend’s ZTE Axon 40 Ultra to take same beach view, compared with my iPhone 13 Pro. Well, as an iPhone lover, I started to rethink about should I change to another phone… : 🤣
Matthias MM37 I would choose the axon, and this is not just because I like axon, it is also because I don’t like apple. But as it has been mentioned earlier both pictures have their pros and cons.
Menguelez I think it is taken from a different point or closer to one than the other, then the Iphone pic it seems better but I also like the one on the Zte
DarkPikaJP Hard vote, my eyes just kind of draw more to the Axon I guess because it’s brighter and like you said more vivid. Instead of choosing the pic, I choose to just be on that ocean 😅