A few weeks ago, we invited @obode_robot to be a part of the editorial room. Of course, the room was much cleaner than before.
(showing off the photo I took 😃 )
Then we hired Smartmi Vortexwave as another vacuum cleaner in the room.
( @Ryan_Potter took this photo, which I think mine’s better 😆 )
After some time of having them in the room, we found out something we never thought of. There is a big difference between spending 5 minutes cleaning up and having no worries at all.
Ok, get back to the product.
obode A8+ does well in both vacuuming and mopping, it sucks up a lot of stuff like hair, dust, or dandruff. It is fun in every day’s work looking at it running around our feet.
On the other hand, Smartmi Vortexwave somehow doesn’t seem to be just a vacuum robot it tries to do more. It swipes, and even washes the floor. Living in a coastal city makes me think wet washing the carpet is not acceptable, it gets molded in almost no time(even in October).
We rather put it outside of the editorial room with a concrete floor, which it did well.
Having no worries about cleaning is good at one end of the story, but giving the robots too much trust is a disaster. They both almost escaped into other offices! And Mr. obode attempted to take the elevator, which caused a lot of problems on the floor we lived in. I have to pick them up multiple times while under many witnesses, embarrassing.
So, if you are buying one, close the door.
They both sound pretty loud, due to the vacuum. I used to think VortexWave would be quieter because it does more than just vacuum. Clearly, I was wrong.
That’s the experience so far from me, I will try to pull out thoughts from other mods too!