CodeNerd86 Hello! I have been accepted to be an Heyup ambassador (received email) but I’m not seeing the badge in my achievements. Am I missing something? Also, can I make sure I’m setup on the tryout program? Thanks.
DarkPikaJP CodeNerd86 not sure about the badge, @Helen or @SprintingWorm could probably help with that. As for the tryout program, you just submit an application for whatever you’re interested in trying, it’s not automatic.
CodeNerd86 Okay thanks. I know it’s not automatic, I was just reading in the forums to apply so wanted to make sure.
CodeNerd86 Just paging @SprintingWorm or @Helen to follow up and see about the missing points and badge. Thanks.
CodeNerd86 Helen Awesome thanks. Can you check one other thing for me? I posted in the introduce yourself post but I do not see those points (joined the discussion). 😉