A smart thermostat automatically adjusts your heating and cooling systems to keep you comfortable and save you money. But these are not one-size-fits-all devices. The best model for someone who hopes to eke out every last BTU of efficiency and cost savings will be very different from a thermostat for someone who wants everything to be as simple as possible.
The Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium was picked as the best smart thermostat by NYT—falls into the first category. In addition to offering a wide array of settings to refine your home’s climate control, it has a built-in Alexa smart speaker to receive voice commands without needing other devices.
The Google Nest Learning Thermostat remains a good choice for anyone opposed to fiddling with settings menus, the built-in AI will handle most of the complications.
We recently got in touch with a start-up brand called Degrii, founded by scientists and engineers, which just released a brand new smart thermostat. Compared with the leading branding in this category, it has some benefits that cannot be underestimated.
What Does Degrii Thermostat do?
Make the temperature in every room even.
Helps to save up to 37% on your energy bills by learning your unique pattern with the app.
Have effortless control over your home’s temperature with a touch screen, voice, or app.
Easy installation within 15 minutes
Degrii has the widest compatibility with HVAC systems, including the 2-wire systems, users usually find it troubling with smart thermostats.
Versatile and affordable
Plus they brought their newest products into the CES to share with the world.
Your voice is always important, not always to us, but to these tech companies. Now, we are looking for users who are qualified and interested in reviewing it. The brand Degrii would love to hear your feedback and try its best to improve the products. Apply now.
If you fit the following criteria, apply for the tryout and you will have a chance to be the tester:
- First of all, you need to live in the Contiguous United States, where our delivery can reach.
- Secondly, you need a Central Air Conditioning System in your home or you are using the thermostat in your house.
- Then, you need to be willing and able to make some changes in the house circuits. (The Testers will need to provide a photo of the house wiring diagram first, and it will just take 15 mins to install following the guideline.)
Interested in it?! Apply Now!