1. What is the Heyup Tryouts?
Heyup is a community-driven website that promotes the discovery of innovative tech products and maintains transparency by providing authentic reviews and exchanges with fellow users.
That’s why Heyup Tryouts is here! Heyup Tryouts offers users the opportunity to test selected products and share their genuine opinions with the community to help others make better purchasing decisions.
Don’t miss out on upcoming tryouts - wish for or sign up for products on Heyup, and increase your chances of being selected by sharing the page on social media and joining the Heyup Community discussion. Let’s get testing! 🎉
2. Why should I join the Heyup?
1. Test out some of the latest or most wanted tech items for free and keep them without any upfront cost or shipping fees.
2. Your feedback can make a difference in Heyupers or the general public’s purchasing decisions, support the growth of brands, and create a closer community.
3. You could catch the latest trends in the tech industry.
4. Discover and share the latest products you are interested in in the community. The product you recommended could be picked for tryouts.
What is the meaning of casting a wish?
It’s a way for us to help you find cool products that you might be interested in. Our team searches for unique and innovative items from all over the world, and if you see something you like, you can cast a wish for it and share the page with people around you.
We are more inclined to open a tryout for a product if it receives a higher number of wishes. If you wish for the product, you will be first to know once its tryouts is live.
How to Join Heyup Tryouts
Our community-based website allows innovative brands to enter the market by sharing their products with people who have a keen interest in all types of tech. This opens the door for professional reviewers and anyone who qualifies to test out products that aren’t on the market yet. After creating a Heyup account, here’s what you should do to become a product tester:
Step 1:
Cast your wish
Sign up to wish for the products you’re interested in. Share the pages, and the more likes the product receives, the higher the chance it will be available for tryouts.
Step 2:
Apply For Tryout
When the product becomes available for tryouts, apply by filling out the application form.
Step 3:
Tester Announcement
Stay tuned in the community for the tester announcement.
*After the announcement If you find that you can’t participate after being selected, please email [support@heyupnow.com](mailto:support@heyupnow.com) or inform a moderator that you’d like to decline the opportunity so it can be passed to someone else. Please respond within one week of the tester announcement. If you are selected three times without claiming or notifying us, future tryout opportunities will be canceled. Please value this chance.
Step 4:
Test And Share
You will receive the product to test and share your review in Heyup if selected.
How could I raise the chance of being selected?
In a global community of tech enthusiasts, how can you stand out enough to be noticed for a chance to review products? The answer lies in the community. The more you engage and interact with other like-minded people in the Heyup community, the better your chances. You can engage by starting new discussions, replying, and interacting in ongoing discussions.
Plus, share the pages/products you like on social to collect more wishes, which could help too. If you haven’t already, sign up to join the Heyup Community now and take a shot at becoming an official Heyup Tester.
😀 What is the Tester’s Mission?
To become a Tester, fill out the application form with complete honesty
Be patient and wait for the tester’s selection announcement
If you are selected, you will be contacted by Heyup via email
You need to post your review with details in the forum within 14 days after delivery
Fill in the survey after reviewing certain brands/products. (If have)
By signing up, you have agreed to our Terms of Use and accepted that Heyup holds the whole property of the reviews, comments, and pictures left on the website
How do you select product testers?
Product testers are selected among applicants based on the number of free products available. Also, each product tester is considered through a series of pre-established criteria. There are no lucky draws. In addition, neither the employees of Heyup nor their families are permitted to apply for tests.
How do I know if a product is open for testing?
Please make sure you signed up for our newsletter and wish for the product to get you updated on Tryout.
How do I know if I was selected as the tester?
If you are selected as the tester, we will inform you when your product will be delivered to you via email. Don’t forget to check the mail!
If you are not, you can still apply for more Tryouts that suit your interests.
What is the Heyup Ambassador Program?
Heyup is looking for community builders, trendsetters, and influencers who share our value of discovering and experiencing cool tech on social media and websites.
As an ambassador, you will have first-hand experience in trying out new products through the Heyup Tryouts.
Echoes an interest? Apply now
Are the products in tryouts only for people in the US/Canada or worldwide?
Different products are available for different regions. You just have to check on the product tryout page, it will say if the tryout is global or if it’s limited to one or more specific countries.
How long will I receive the product?
Once the tryouts are ended, the Testers will typically be selected and announced within 1-2 days. If you are selected as the Heyup Testers, you will be notified by email, and provided with a tracking number once the product has been shipped. Shipping typically takes 7-10 days. Then, you need to leave your review on Heyup within 14 days after delivery.
Do I have to be a Heyup Tester to review products? Or can I review the products I purchased before?
The Heyup Community welcomes all product experts to share tech reviews of all sorts and from any angle regardless of your identity. Anyone who signs up as a Heyuper can write reviews.
Can I keep my tryout unit?
Yes! You can keep the tryout units after sharing the review.
Can I try more than one product at a time?
Yes, you could apply for various products that you are interested in within the application date. We will select the testers based on the number of free products available and the pre-established criteria.
* 😀 What happens if I don’t share the review on time if I was a Heyup Tester?
A Heyup Testers who don’t share reviews on time will have all of their points in the community canceled, and cannot take part in any future Heyup events. And Heyup has the right to recall the product sample or you need to pay for this product.
If you need help, reach out to Support@heyupnow.com
Please be aware that the Heyup Tryouts may evolve.
What should I do if I’m selected but can’t or don’t want to review the product due to some reason?
If you apply for the tryout, we assume you are interested and capable in a specific field, and willing to provide valuable, honest feedback. If you find that you can’t participate after being selected, please email [support@heyupnow.com](mailto:support@heyupnow.com) or inform a moderator that you’d like to decline the opportunity so it can be passed to someone else. Please respond within one week of the tester announcement. If you are selected three times without claiming or notifying us, future tryout opportunities will be canceled. Please value this chance.
We encourage all participants in the tryout campaign to check their emails for the winner announcement notification, so you won’t miss any updates. We also hope that testers will respond promptly when it’s time to collect shipping addresses.
I’m writing my review. What should I include in it?
We encourage Testers to share their real product experience, including the advantages and disadvantages of the products, and to include photos and videos in their reviews. It is OKAY to list the disadvantages of tech, even from Tryouts or the Heyup Store.**
Learn more about the requirements here.**
Different programs might have different terms and rules.
Feel free to comment below if you have more questions! 😄
How To Wish To Test A Product:
We want to hear your input and opinions on what products to do next for the Heyup Tryouts. We have implemented a new “Wishing” system to our Tryouts so that you can take charge and tell us which product you wish to try out next, pun intended.
Simply press the “Wish” button. Once the product has received more wishes or is selected by Heyup editors, as listed on the page of that product, it will be selected by the Heyup Team to be in the next Heyup Tryouts.

*Where To Leave A Review On Heyup:
Visit the product page and leave your review in the Review Section!

Plus, you could also create a discussion in the community to share and discuss with our community users.

What If I Don’t See A Product I am Interested In?
No worries, you can always share new and exciting products that you want to try out in the Heyup Community. You can also share directly with the Heyup Team through the Heyup website what products you would wish to try. We will take any and all ideas and suggestions into consideration. Also, if a significant number of other Heyup Community members happen to suggest the same product, it will increase its chances of appearing on the “Featured Tryouts Products” list to be wished upon for the next Heyup Tryouts.
Updated on August 31, 2023
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What is the Heyup Tryouts?
Review Guidelines?
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